Cladd Derell

Age: 24

Origin: Coarke Hill, RI

Species: Bird

Cladd is a cynical, satirical and pessimistic bird working at the renowned Colored Papers Company. His life at home when he was younger, rocked by his extremely religious and conservative parents, made him convinced that this world was rotten, even though since he met Orlando he thinks it maybe isn't as much as he thought it was. His passion for drawing and art in general convinced him to pursue a career in graphic design, something he somewhat managed to achieve, if not for his happiness.

He works as a graphic designer at the Colored Papers Company.

Orlando Oechsle

Age: 26

Origin: Burringston, CT

Species: Hyena

Born to German immigrates, Orlando had a happy childhood with his eight siblings. His father founded the Talking Seat Bar in Downtown Burringston, one of the most popular places to hang out in the city. Always ready to crack a joke; he can easily make anybody smile, and his charm made more than one blush. He is always ready to push others to do the right thing, and his optimism in any situation along with his cheerful self made him one of the most loved barmen in Burringston.

He works as a barman at the Talking Seat.

Richard "Richie" Smalls

Age: 25

Origin: Kennard, TX

Species: Otter

Growing up in a barn with his gramps' wasn't an easy thing, but with all his willpower, Richie managed to reach Connecticut and start all over. Shy, yet positive, he always tries to look up to others and see the good in people. Nine months after a drunken night, his first and last one, someone left a cradle at the door, and Richie came to realize he was now a father. Three years have passed since, but he never left his son, Tim, down.

He works as the CEO assistant at the Colored Papers Company.

Regan Drahlem

Age: 48

Origin: Boston, MA

Species: Dragon

Mr. Drahlem is the abusive, tyrannical CEO of the Colored Papers Company. He loves to make fun of some employees, some secretly, but others in plain light. His favorite target is by far Cladd, mocking him for every little thing and giving him harmful "pranks." He was born in the luxury of a mansion in Boston, and almost never had to work in his life. Nobody really knows how he evens managed to reach such a high rank.

He works as the CEO at the Colored Papers Company.

Kilroy Townson

Age: 23

Origin: Woodlynne, NJ

Species: Unknown

Two older brothers and useless parents in a city next to one of the poorest of America, Kilroy often had to sleep outside. After earning money from begging in the streets, he managed to get away by taking a bus, leaving everything behind. He arrived at Burringston not knowing where to go. Looking for some cash, he applied as a janitor at the Colored Papers Company, though he has to sleep at the office. He's almost always quiet, but is also very sensitive.

He works as a janitor at the Colored Papers Company.

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